PrimaCare Fore treatment providers

Danmarks Sunde Arbejdspladser


At PrimaCare, we are part of the partnership behind 'Danmarks Sunde Arbejdspladser'.

In the partnership, we aim to highlight the many great initiatives at workplaces, and inspire others in their work related to health, well-being, and the working environment.

We organize free networking days and webinars, which you and your colleagues can participate in. Additionally, we hold the annual conference ‘Fremtidens Attraktive Arbejdsplads’ where inspiration is provided on how to enhance employees' health and well-being, and how active and engaged working conditions create the desire and opportunity for everyone to perform at their best—both leaders and employees.


The partnership behind 'Danmarks Sunde Arbejdspladser' consists of PrimaCare, Dansk Sundhedssikring, Dansk Erhverv, and Dansk Firmaidræt, with support from Spar Nord Fonden.



More services

Strategic health support

Health and safety risk assessment

Well-being survey