PrimaCare Fore treatment providers

Psychological safety


Psychological safety is an important component of a healthy mental work environment, encouraging an open dialogue and more effective collaboration. Creating psychological safety is a shared responsibility, where everyone contributes through daily communication and interactions with one another.


A psychologically safe workplace is where employees feel comfortable and safe when expressing an opinion and/or failing without the fear of negative consequences. This includes employees being able to openly discuss mistakes and uncertainties and ask questions without concern of judgement. Cultivating psychological safety can significantly enhance well-being and improve the quality of work.

However, psychological safety doesn’t emerge automatically, nor does it result simply from a manager’s open-door policy. Despite many benefits, there are underlying barriers that should be addressed to create a psychologically safe workplace. As humans, we naturally tend to avoid situations that potentially could be uncomfortable, such as admitting mistakes, expressing vulnerabilities, or engaging in disagreements. Therefore, it is important to understand what psychological safety truly means, and then actively work to create and maintain it.

At PrimaCare, we offer presentations about psychological safety at work. You will gain a deeper understanding of what psychological safety is, how to promote it, and why it is an important component in creating well-being and preventing stress.


The duration and format can be customized upon request and priced accordingly.





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